When you are in the market for a good pay per head service, one thing that can usually enable you to tell a good, legitimate agency from an untrustworthy one in two seconds flat is how long that company has been in business. Sadly, in the pay per head industry, there are a lot of fly by night organizations out there that go into the per head business, underfunded and under staffed. These pretenders offer low prices and false promises of redundancy and industry experience that could quickly cost you your hard earned reputation as well as your player base.
To avoid falling victim to one of these less than reputable per head services make sure to do your due diligence, start by asking the right questions such as, “how long have you been in business”?
Host PPH, is proud to have been in existence and going strong now for over a decade. Pay per head companies just don’t stick around that long unless they are doing something right, and Host certainly is. In fact, this company is doing a lot of things right. First of all, it has a superior and fully dedicated risk management team that works round the clock. This enables bookies to always know what is going down with their clients and, in the long run, helps them to earn more money. For Host, this increases customer loyalty, and deservedly so, and is thus mutually beneficial to both the service and the client.
You also have to keep in mind that Host has the most up to date software available, and always has. Even before people were using software regularly, Host was on top of the latest technologies, just showing that the company has always had a knack for being one step ahead of the rest. Plus, Host offers betting opportunities for every sport under the sun, and then some. Horse bettors, traditional sports bettors, and even those who want to bet on random things like presidential elections can all find their home with Host.
But, the one thing that stands out above all else and that makes Host PPH the very best agency in the industry is its customer service. The agents at Host all speak fluent English, so they are easy to communicate with, and they are easily accessible any time of the day or night. This means you can always get your questions answered or your concerns addressed, and you can guarantee this will happen in a friendly, considerate manner.